Playground Mulch & Engineered Wood Fiber
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Also known as wood rug or Woodcarpet®, engineered wood fiber is a ground wood, mulch consistency, product similar in texture to shredded bark mulch. But playground mulch is made out of wood (not bark), so it is light in color. Safety standards require a fiber depth of 12 inches to protect from falls. Once installed, engineered wood fiber should be replenished once or twice a year depending on the amount of usage and sort of weather the playground sees. This treatment usually will only require a topping of about 4 to 6 inches of mulch after the playground has already had an initial installment at the correct depth.
When compressed, the playground mulch produces a surface that is considered wheelchair accessible and ADA compliant. Our engineered wood mulch is certified by the International Playground Equipment Manufacturers Association (IPEMA) and meets ASTM standards.