Primary Bipod Swingset - Swingsets - Playground Parts and Equipment

These classic bipod swing sets will keep your kids in the air for hours!   The galvanized steel piping guarantees sturdy construction.  These sets are available in heights of 8 feet and 10 feet. Choose between models with 8 seats, 6 seats, 4 seats, or 2 seats (the photo above shows a 4-seat model).Included: All swingsets come with galvanized steel pipes, self lubricating swing hangers, 4/0 galvanized welded chain, and cut-proof seats.

Manufacturer: SportsPlay      Top Rail: 2-3/8″

8 Foot Primary Bipod Swingsets

Use Zone Weight Price Parts ID
2 seats 32′ x 27′ 146 lbs. $1,075.00 581-218
4 seats 32′ x 38′ 243 lbs. $1,827.00 581-418
6 seats 32′ x 49′ 340 lbs. $2,593.00 581-618
8 seats 32′ x 60′ 437 lbs. $3,418.00 581-818

10 Foot Primary Bipod Swingsets

Use Zone Weight Price Parts ID
2 seats 40′ x 27′ 164 lbs. $1,174.00 581-218x
4 seats 40′ x 38′ 260 lbs. $1,854.00 581-418x
6 seats 40′ x 49′ 377 lbs. $2,745.00 581-618x
8 seats 40′ x 60′ 485 lbs. $3,770.00 581-818x

Interested in the Primary Bipod Swingsets?

Call us TOLL FREE at 877-840-0707.