Fitness equipment adds a healthy touch to your commercial playground or public park. These fitness structures include a boarding net, horizontal bars, vault bars, horizontal ladder, horizontal bars, parallel bars, and a stall bar fence. These classic fitness structure designs are tough and durable, forged by leading playground equipment manufacturers. Your kids will spend hours hanging on the horizontal bars, horsing around on the vault bar, and climbing the boarding net. The fitness equipment steel posts and components are made from 50% recycled steel. Trust Maryland Materials for the fitness equipment that suits your playground or park needs.

Fitness equipment - playground boarding net
Boarding Net
Fitness equipment - playground pole climb

Pole Climb

Fitness equipment - playground stall bar fence
Stall Bar Fence
Fitness equipment - playground triple horizontal bars
Triple Horizontal Bars
Fitness equipment - playground horizontal ladder
Horizontal Ladder
Fitness equipment - playground vault bar
Swing Bars
Fitness equipment - Playground Chain Ring Ladder
Chain Ring Ladder
Fitness equipment - playground parallel bars
Parallel Bars
Fitness equipment - playground vault bar
Vault Bar
Fitness equipment - playground balance beams straight or curved
Balance Beams
(Straight or Curved)
Fitness equipment - playground Sit up Station
Sit Up Station

How to order exercise equipment for your playground

Most of our customers for commercial playground equipment are schools, daycares and businesses. If you w0uld like a written estimate, including a quote for shipping, we would be glad to help. Just give us a call at 877-840-0707.