These playground climbers channel the ancient world into heavy duty climbing structures that your kids can use in dozens of different ways. Choose from standard climbing models with several panels, or more advanced climbing structures that integrate rope walls into the climbing fun.

Playground climbers, play climbers, Aztec climber :: Playground equipment
Aztec Climber

Playground climbers, Aztec climbers :: Playground Equipment
4-Panel Circular
Aztec Climber
Play climbers, playground climbers, playground equipment
2-Panel Rope
Aztec Climber


“M” Aztec Climber


4-Panel Rope
Aztec Climber

If you are interesting in ordering an Aztec Climber for your playground, just give us a call at 877-840-0707. We are happy to provide a quote (including shipping) and answer any of your questions. We ship climbers nationwide and we also install Aztec climbers and do playground construction and mainteniance throughout Washignton DC, Maryland and Northern Virginia.