playground web climber
Playground Climbers :: Web Climber (8-Foot Height Shown Here)
Playground climbers, climbers, webclimber, web climber, rope climber :: Playground EquipmentKids will climb in 100 ways on our fun Web Climber! Oh, the tangled webs your children will weave on this great new play structure! There are a million ways to use it, and they all lead to fun times. Great for developing arms, leg strength, and balance. The center post is powder-coated steel, and the ropes are reinforced to last for years. Choose the 8-foot model for smaller needs. The 13-foot model can handle up to 20 kids. Playground climbers, climbers, webclimber, web climber, rope climber :: Playground Equipment

8-Foot Web Climber
Ages: 2 to 12 years. Number of kids: 15
Ground Space: 13′ x 13′. Use Zone: 25′ x 25′
Weight: 172 lbs. Manufacturer: SportsPlay
Unit#: 902-771

Price: $8,330.00 (excl. shipping)

13-Foot Web Climber
Ages: 2 to 12 years. Number of kids: 20
Ground Space: 26.5′ x 26.5′. Use Zone: 38.5′ x 38.5′
Weight: 276 lbs. Manufacturer: SportsPlay
Unit#: 902-771-4.

Price: $12,184.00 (excl. shipping)

Got questions about the Web Climbers?
Call us TOLL FREE at 1-877-840-0707.