playground inspection in washington dc, virginia and marylandOur company conducts NAEYC playground audits and general playground inspections in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington DC. They’re performed by Certified Playground Safety Inspectors (CPSI) who are certified by the National Playground Safety Institute (NPSI) and who have conducted dozens of playground inspections since our company started business in 1986. Click here for a sample playground safety report.

playgroundinspections_logo_NPSIPlayground inspections and NAEYC audits in Maryland, Virginia, Washington DC.Evaluation:
Our playground inspectors evaluate playgrounds in conjunction with guidelines issued by the American Society for the Testing of Materials (ASTM) and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) in its “Handbook for Public Playground Safety” (Pub. 325; downloadable here). Our playground inspectors monitor CPSC and ASTM activity in order to apply only the most up-to-date rules and regulations. NAEYC audits must be performed by certified CPSIs (see Criterion 9.B of the official NAEYC requirements).

playground inspection

Playground inspections and NAEYC audits in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington DC

We have five Certified Playground Safety Inspectors (CPSI) on our staff. They have decades of experience doing playground inspections, site evaluations, and construction. CPSIs are certified by the National Playground Safety Institute (NPSI), which is organized by the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA), a national recreation authority that has more than 22,000 members. The Institute is known as the most comprehensive training program for U.S. playground inspectors. It offers hours of training by nationally certified playground safety experts, and prepares professionals for the CPSI exam. CPSIs are certified to inspect playgrounds for safety issues, making sure that each playground they inspect is up to current national standards.

How it Works

Once the playground inspection is completed, our playground inspector will issue you a detailed written evaluation. NAEYC Audits are issued as a comprehensive written report of approximately 60 pages, evaluating every aspect of your playground for compliance with ASTM and CPSC standards. Audits include color photos of your playground and its various components. General playground inspections include a written report and photographs, but they are less comprehensive than NAEYC Audits. For both audits and inspections, if your playground has any problem areas, the inspector will explain them in detail and make recommendations about ways to proceed to rectify the problems. The inspector will also be available to discuss the report with your organization. Both playground audits and inspections are confidential, between your organization and our company.

Locations for Playground Inspections

We do playground inspections and audits in many local areas, including Montgomery County, Maryland; Prince George’s County, Maryland; Frederick County, Maryland; Washington, DC; Arlington County, Virginia; Fairfax County, Virginia; and many other towns, cities, and counties in Maryland and Virginia.

To discuss an NAEYC audit or a playground inspection, call us locally at
(301) 840-0707 or send us an e-mail at mdmail@mdmaterials.com

FAQ about Playground Safety Inspections

  1. Why do I need a playground safety inspection?

    The main reason is to protect children and avoid lawsuits. Unfortunately, children sometimes get injured on the playground and what usually ensues is a lawsuit. However, getting a playground inspection is one way of protecting your school, daycare or business from a lawsuit. Fortunately, safety inspections can identify small problems that can be fixed in order to prevent injuries. The best way to manage a playground is to be proactive.

  2. Do I have to get a playground safety inspection?

    Playground inspections are required in Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and Virginia, while they are voluntary in other states. However, whether one is required or not, it is a good idea to get one to be on the safe side. Again, a safety inspection goes a long way in keeping children safe.

  3. What rules are playground safety inspections based on?

    Playround inspections are based on the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s (CPSC) public playground safety guidelines, and the following ASTM International standards: F1487-11, “Standard Consumer Safety Performance Specification for Playground Equipment for Public Use,” and F2223-11, “Standard Guide for ASTM Standards on Playground Surfacing”

  4. What qualifies someone to be a playground safety inspector?

    All Certified Playground Safety Inspectors are trained by the National Recreation and Park Association’s National Playground Safety Institute. Inspectors attend a training course and take an examination administered by the NRPA. Our company inspectors have several years of experience. They have inspected dozens of playgrounds in the Washington DC metro area.

  5. What does a playground inspection include?

    Our playground inspectors thoroughly examine every inch of playground equipment, including playground surfacing, the playground borders, and any other item that is found within and above the play area. Inspectors take careful measurements and photos in order to accurately compare the condition of the equipment with the prevailing CPSC and ASTM safety standards. Our inspectors actually climb on the equipment and each piece of equipment through a rigorous test to make sure that it is sturdy, secure and reliable.