Commercial swing parts and components sold here are the safest playground parts on the market. They’re hand-picked by our Certified Playground Safety Inspectors (CPSIs). Unlike many discount sellers of commercial swing parts and components, we will never sell factory seconds or used parts. In fact, our commercial swing parts and components are made from 50% recycled steel. Contact us today toll free for more information!
Swing Seat Packages
Our all-in-1 swing packages give you a whole swing setup! For 1 low price, you get 1 swing seat, 2 swing chains, and 4 U-shackle connectors (to connect the chains to the seat at the bottom and the swingset structure at the top). These are our strongest swings, made in the USA.
Swing partsSwingPack #1
Flexible Belt Seat

Starting at $80.00
Was $92.00
Swing Belt Seat - Playground PartsSwingPack #2
Cradle Seat

Starting at $135.00
Was $150.00
Swing Belt Seat - Playground PartsSwingPack#3
Infant Seat

Starting $165.00
Was $185.00
Separate Swing Components
Swing parts, swingparts, swingset parts, Swing Belt Seat - Playground PartsSwing Seats
Dozens of commercial swingset seats!
special needs seat for the playgroundSpecial Needs
Swing Seats
ADA compliant!
Trapeze Ring - Commercial Play AccessoriesSwing Rings & Bars
Commercial parts for your swingset.
Swing parts, swingparts, swingset parts, Swing Hanger "EZ-Hang"Swing Hangers
These attach to the swingset.
Swing parts, swingparts, swingset parts, Swing Chains - Plastisol - Playground PartsSwing Chains
3 different type of heavy duty chains
Swing parts, swingparts, swingset parts, Commercial Swing Chain Fastener - H-ShackleSwing Connectors
Connect swing chains to swing hangers & seats.

playground mats for a playground
Swing Safety Mats
Durable rubber mats for underneath swings.